Gets a Makeover!

Home / Gets a Makeover!

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If you’re a ‘regular’ visitor to ACESCentral, you’re probably noticing a big change.

We’ve launched this new design based on user requests and hope you find it an enjoyable user experience. The biggest ask we heard from members in the ACES Community was to make non-discussion information and links more readily available. The original ACESCentral was launched as a discussion forum because we needed a way to provide discussion and help for people trying to use ACES.

New Features and Design

We’ve now got thousands of users and posts and a robust community including ACES Mentors and others helping each other solve workflow issues. But a lot of the basic information and links from “What is ACES?” to “Where do I find the “Quick Start Guides” or “Where is that Virtual Working Group Home Page” gradually became buried somewhere deep in the posts.

Discussion Forum This new design keeps the existing Discussion Forum intact, and you’ll find that in the “Community” section of the top right nav.

Click on Community>Discussion Forum conversations!

Virtual Working Group Links In addition, the Virtual Working Group home and the individual VWG Document Pages are all available from the top nav as well!

VWG Document pages are all here.

New: ACES Master Calendar We’ve added a live calendar in the Calendar tab that details all VWG meetings, as well as Webinars, Meetings and Events of interest to the ACES Community. Instructions on how to subscribe to the feeds for these calendars (individually or all) is located on the left side of the calendar.

All ACES Events in one place…you can subscribe to any or all feeds.

NEW: Knowledge Base We’ve also added a Knowledge Base with articles curated from the many informative posts and responses in the forum.

The Knowledge Base will be augmented regularly.

We will continue to add features and content. Some will reformatted from the existing forum and some will be new. During this launch phase, all content on the original discussion forum will remain. After everyone’s comfortable, we’ll begin to clean up some of the non-discussion content to simplify and enhance enjoyment of the forums.

Comments welcome.


  1. @stobenkin: A few notes:


    Shouldn’t Reference Code be Reference Implementation here? Implementation feels more elegant than Code here. I noticed that the text turns white when I click on the link and go back to the tab.

    Archived Groups

    Should the VFX Enablement working group from Basecamp listed there?

    I know it is old, maybe not public but there is some good information that if anything is worth keeping around for historical purposes.


    Will add some more things as I go through! :slight_smile:



  2. It looks great, thanks for the hard work making these updates a reality! Already subscribed to the calendar :wink:

  3. Avatar for nick nick says:

    It looks really good. I like the refresh very much.

    I may be missing something obvious, but although there is a menu link to go from ACES Central to the forum, I can’t see a link to go the other way. While it’s logical that from within the forum the logo at the top links to the forum home page, once you are on that page maybe it could link to the ACES Central home page, rather than linking to itself.

  4. Yes, you are correct, the menus for the forum are still being worked on. Hope to have a more elegant solution shortly. Temporary the forum is set to open in a new tab, (so it’s easier to get back to site) but that will be disabled once menus are reconciled.

  5. Hey all … made some more updates to the forums. Most obviously changed the font to match We will keep improving the experience but if you have any ideas on how we can make things better, let us know.

  6. Hi Everyone!

    We’ve just made a small but hopefully useful and fun addition to the forum. If you’re a registered user, you can now see the other registered users that are currently on-line.

    22 online

    We’ve got lots of people who visit that have not yet registered. Some of the new features we’ll be rolling out will require registration (as we do with posting) so please encourage your co-workers and others to join our amazing community.

    More changes coming soon!

  7. Hey all … we’ve now added the ability to add math equations to your posts to make them more rich and more clearly communicate using mathematics.

    You can now use MathJax notation to render complex equations. Below are a few examples.

    Spectral math example

    R=\int_{0}^{\infty}S(\lambda )\,{\overline{r}}(\lambda)\,d\lambda \\ G=\int_{0}^{\infty}S(\lambda )\,{\overline{g}}(\lambda)\,d\lambda \\ B=\int_{0}^{\infty}S(\lambda )\,{\overline{b}}(\lambda)\,d\lambda

    Created with the code

    R=\int_{0}^{\infty}S(\lambda )\,{\overline{r}}(\lambda)\,d\lambda \\
    G=\int_{0}^{\infty}S(\lambda )\,{\overline{g}}(\lambda)\,d\lambda \\
    B=\int_{0}^{\infty}S(\lambda )\,{\overline{b}}(\lambda)\,d\lambda

    Matrix math example

    {\begin{bmatrix}L\\M\\S\end{bmatrix}}={\begin{bmatrix}0.7328 & 0.4296 & -0.1624\\-0.7036 & 1.6975 & 0.0061\\0.0030 & 0.0136 & 0.9834\end{bmatrix}}{\begin{bmatrix}X\\Y\\Z\end{bmatrix}}

    Created with the code

    {\begin{bmatrix}L\\M\\S\end{bmatrix}}={\begin{bmatrix}0.7328 & 0.4296 & -0.1624\\-0.7036 & 1.6975 & 0.0061\\0.0030 & 0.0136 & 0.9834\end{bmatrix}}{\begin{bmatrix}X\\Y\\Z\end{bmatrix}}

    You can also use ASCIIMath using the % delimiter. For example


    was created using



    x=(-b +- sqrt(b^2 – 4ac))/(2a)

    was created using

    %x=(-b +- sqrt(b^2 – 4ac))/(2a)%

    For more details on the discourse plugin used to render the math equations check out

Continue the discussion here:


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