ACES Birds of a Feather at SIGGRAPH 2019 – Presentation and video links added!

We’re planning an ACES Birds of a Feather meeting at Siggraph 2019 as part of the Open Source BoF Track being organized by the Academy Software Foundation.
Session Time Tuesday, 30 July 2019 2pm – 3pm
Location Diamond Ballroom 7-10, JW Marriott
Details on the program can be found on the SIGGRAPH site:
The ACES presentation is part of a day-long Open Source Day put on by the Academy Software Foundation – a non-profit set up by the Academy and the Linux Foundation to support and nurture Open Source software in the entertainment industry. Lots of great presentations, many related to ACES that will be in the same room during the day. Here are details:
Look forward to seeing those who are going to SIGGRAPH.
Note: attendance may require a paid admission to SIGGRAPH. Please check the registration requirements here:
Here is the Presentation deck from this Birds of a Feather session:
SIGGRAPH 2019_ACES_Roadmap FIN.pdf (741.5 KB)
and here is the video from the event: