Request for review and comments on v0.1 Draft of “ACES Output Transform Details”

Home / Request for review and comments on v0.1 Draft of “ACES Output Transform Details”

This is an open call to the community for review and comment on a document entitled “ACES Output Transform Details”. This document is essentially a catalog of the header information from the CTL files (plus a bit more).

Comments or suggestions on anything in the document are welcomed. I am aware that the “definitions” sections still need refinement – but suggestions for those are certainly welcome.

You can submit feedback in a reply here, mark-up the PDF with comments and send back, or, for those who are LaTeX savvy and want access to the source to make significant edits, I can provide a link where you can edit the document source.

There will be other documentation posted here to ACESCentral for review soon.

TB_2018_002_v0.2.pdf (256.7 KB) (file last updated 08/06/2018)

This document summarizes each of the twenty-one Output Transforms available as presets to the user in ACES v1.1. The document provides the design characteristics for each transform, the intended display type and setup on which the output of each transform is intended to be viewed, and test values to confirm the proper pairing of transform and display configuration. Where necessary, notes specific to each Output Transform are provided to explain specific design decisions, caution against common misuse, and to obviate other common misunderstandings.
