Join us at Siggraph 2018!

Join us at Siggraph 2018 as we host what will be a very lively “Birds of a Feather.”
We plan to present and discuss findings from dozens of meetings on what people want in the next version of ACES. It’s an open discussion and we want your voice in the conversation! We are also sponsors of the Open Source “Beers of a Feather” so if you’re coming to Siggraph, we’d love to meet you there.
Beers of a Feather
8th annual Open Source VFX Beers of a Feather
Monday, August 13 2018
6pm – 8pm
Steamworks Brewpub, 375 Water St, Vancouver, BC
Birds of a Feather
ACESNext: Charting the Future of ACES
Tuesday August 14, 2018
11:30am – 1pm
Crystal Pavilion A, Pan Pacific Hotel
Join the first public discussion of consolidated industry preferences on features, timing and process for the next version of ACES! Catch up on new ACES components and documentation. Light Lunch served!
Siggraph is in Vancouver this year. Both events are free to join, check requirements for registration for Siggraph here:
If you want to set a meeting with the ACES Team while at Siggraph, please PM me on ACESCentral (Steve Tobenkin)
You can find the presentation deck and feedback thread from this session here: ACESNext – ACES 1.0 Listening Tour Feedback and Roadmap