Join us at Cine Gear 2019 – We’ve got some fantastic speakers!
We’ve got an “All-Star” line up of experienced ACES users who will talk about their experience on ACES shows and present on topics of interest to the ACES community. This is a casual and intimate event so you’ll be able to ask questions and meet the speakers, other ACES users as well as ACES Leadership and Staff.
Find us at the
ACESCentral Booth
Space B106B (in the “B” tank)
Paramount Lot
Friday’s Schedule:

Saturday’s Schedule:

Registration info for Cine Gear:
See you there!
Here’s another opportunity to hear about ACES at Cine Gear 2019…
“Uniting Production and Post for a Streamlined VFX Workflow”
In this workshop, get a special preview of an exciting new thriller short film STUCCO (shot with RED DSMC2 MONSTRO and ZEISS Supreme Primes) followed by a Q&A with the creative team. The film was finished at EFILM using ACES.
Co Director Co Writer and Actor Janina Gavankar
Co Director Co Writer Russo Shelling
Producer Snehal Patel
Colorist Tom Reiser
Imaging Scientist Joachim Zell
Saturday, June 1
Sherry Lansing Theatre

Stucco (2019) – IMDb
Directed by Janina Gavankar, Russo Schelling. With Roby Attal, Rafael Casal, Michael Ealy, Amy Forsyth. In Stucco (U.S.), an agoraphobic woman finds a suspicious hollow wall in her house.
Thanks to all our speakers and to everyone that showed up to learn and say hi. We were pretty much standing room only and it was great to see and talk with so many experienced and new ACES users. We’re working on clearing some of the Keynote presentations that were given, we’ll post them here when we can!