Visit ACES at CineGear 2018!

If you’re in Los Angeles, please visit us at the ACES space at CineGear on June 1-2
We’re in Booth T123 which is in the “Blue Tank” area…covered and air conditioned this year!
We’ve set up a casual “Meet and Greet” atmosphere, with speakers, ACES users and staff available both days. ASC, ICG, VES and other ACES community members can get a free ticket for a hot or iced coffee from our barista at the booth.
Scheduled Speakers include (follow us on twitter at @AcademyACES for up to the minute changes)
3pm – 4pm
Meet and Greet with Peder Morgenthaler
Colorist/Post Supervisor/Workflow Consultant
Frame Linear
Colorist on Independent feature “Hoax” that used ACES
5pm – 6pm
Meet and Greet with Andrew Shulkind
Cinematographer on multiple ACES Features and commercials
including “The Vault” on Netflix
11am – Noon
Meet and Greet with ACES Leadership
Annie Chang (ACES Chair and VP Creative Technologies, Universal Pictures)
Joachim Zell (ACES Vice chair and VP Technology, EFILM)
Topics: ACESNext and any ACES questions/issues on your mind!
Event and parking info for CineGear available here:
Lots of great conversations at the booth…thanks for joining us!! (pics courtesy of JZ)