Color and Post Pipeline: The Many Looks of Marvel’s WandaVision
Great article about interesting challenges facing the post team on the the Marvel series WandaVision.
They used ACES and the system’s LMT feature to help manage all the looks:
Q. You were essentially dealing with two different shows in one.
A. It was more like 10 shows in one! We not only juggled the HDR and SDR element of each look, but some episodes had multiple looks, with transition from one to another. In order to make this work, we used the ACES framework to manage our technical transforms (to HDR and SDR, for instance) and converted all our creative looks to LMTs. This avoids us being stuck under a single LUT for an episode and gave us the most flexibility.
— Colorist Matt Watson
Many thanks to Randi Altman and postPerspective for the write up!
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