ACES Training in China!

ACES Vice chair Joachim Zell recently help teach a class in Beijing and reports that ACES was well received! The eight day class taught imaging science and color correction for film-makers using ACES on LiveGrade, BaseLight and Resolve. The Beijing ARRI Academy Trainers were:Cinematographer: Kees Van Oostrum ASCColorist: Utsi from ARRITechnologist: Joachim Zell EFILM Visual Arts:…

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ACES use on Black Panther Thanks to ACES Product Partner Codex and DIT Nicholas Kay for talking about their use of ACES on the blockbuster movie “Black Panther”. ” At the time ACEScct was brand new, and we were one of the first jobs to use it. I think it was a great choice for the African-American palette and…

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International Cinematography Summit – ACES Panel Video

Check out this video from the 2018 International Cinematography Summit on “Real World Usage of ACES.” Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences President John Bailey, ASC introduces the program, followed by a presentation from ACES Project Chair (and VP Creative Technologies Universal Pictures) Annie Chang. A panel discussion of ACES with cinematographers Geoff Boyle…

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3D Artist Magazine talks ACES for Visual Artists

Thanks to 3D Artist Magazine and Carrie Mok (Editor), Greg Barta (Author) for this coverage on the importance of ACES to the Visual Artists and the VFX community! Thanks too, to Paul Chambers for bringing it to all our attention! Check back here for more information on this coming up…! Thanks to 3D World Editor 3D Rob…

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Major Mini-series “Vanity Fair” uses ACES

Two recent articles talk about ACES use on major mini-series “Vanity Fair”. Thanks to Technicolor London Creative Director Gary Brown for this ‘should out’ to ACES: CNET: Has the processing power required increased?Brown: Absolutely. Look at the bit depth – how much information is in the picture, like a still camera’s megapixels. Historically we would…

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Smash hit feature Crazy Rich Asians uses ACES!

Great story on the smash hit rom-com Crazy Rich Asians and how they used ACES. Notable quote: “During principal photography Černjul lit the film with the ACES LUT and Selkirk applied CDL corrections to every shot. This made their color grading sessions more efficient and gave Nakamura more time to work on creative color decisions rather…

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LMT vs “proxyLMT”

Hi, looking around the industry there are many LMTs floating around today, that were created using an alternative display rendering. Those LMTs are usually used to give the same look within the ACES pipeline (mostly for OnSet Work and VFX Previs). The problem is that most of them go through a SDR display space like…

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Artículos de ACES en español! (ACES Articles in Spanish!)

Muchas gracias a Edi Walger por traducir los siguientes artículos de ACES al español. Agradecemos sus esfuerzos para ayudar a comunicar sobre ACES a la comunidad de habla hispana. ¿Alguien más dispuesto a ayudar también? (Many thanks to Edi Walger for translating the following ACES articles into Spanish. We appreciate his efforts to help communicate…

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Join us at Siggraph 2018!

Join us at Siggraph 2018 as we host what will be a very lively “Birds of a Feather.”We plan to present and discuss findings from dozens of meetings on what people want in the next version of ACES. It’s an open discussion and we want your voice in the conversation! We are also sponsors of the…

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