Colorist Jim Wicks discusses using ACES (and more) on his classic film restorations!

The Challenges (And Lessons Learned) Of Color Restoring Classic Films

Colorist Jim Wicks writes a very informative article on his pipeline and philosophy on restoring classic films.
As Jim writes…

"Why ACES?

For me, ACES helps with the heavy lifting. Since ACES is designed for professional filmmakers and leans heavily on a photochemical heritage dating back over 100 years with film-originated restoration, ACES creates an amazing starting point for my work. Images that I might struggle with using the default DaVinci YRGB processing, I find when I start these projects in ACES, they become much more pliable – the images feel much more organic and I start with more latitude for subsequent adjustments."

Jim goes on to show his DaVinci setups, node tree and discuss a number of different films and challenges he’s faced in his restoration work.

You can read the entire article here:

Thanks to Jim and Mixing Light for making this available to the ACES Community!